Title: | Functions and Data for the Book 'Integrated Population Models' |
Description: | Provides functions and data sets to accompany the book 'Integrated Population Models: Theory and Ecological Applications with R and JAGS' by Michael Schaub and Marc Kéry (ISBN: 9780128205648). |
Authors: | Michael Schaub [aut], Marc Kéry [aut], Mike Meredith [aut], Ken Kellner [cre], Raphaël Arlettaz [dtc] (bats), Gabriel Banderet [dtc] (peregrine), François Biollaz [dtc] (bats), Radames Bionda [dtc] (grouse), Thomas Bregnballe [dtc] (cormorant), Hans Jakober [dtc] (redbacked), Ioannis Ntzoufras [ctb], Luca Rotelli [dtc] (grouse), Antoine Sierro [dtc] (bats), Wolfgang Stauber [dtc] (redbacked), Bruno Ullrich [dtc] (woodchat11), Fonds Sauvegarde Faune Flore Jurassienne - Groupe Pèlerin Jura [dtc] (peregrine), Idaho Department of Fish and Game [dtc] (elk), Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries [dtc] (bear), Monitoring Avian Productivity and Survivorship program (MAPS) [dtc] (catbird), North American Breeding Bird Survey (BBS) [dtc] (catbird), University Bern, Division of Conservation Biology [dtc] (hoopoe), Vogelwarte Hiddensee, Germany [dtc] (stork), Swiss Ornithological Institute [dtc] (hoopoe, kestrel, peregrine, swallow, wryneck) |
Maintainer: | Ken Kellner <[email protected]> |
License: | GPL (>=3) |
Version: | 0.1.5 |
Built: | 2025-02-12 16:25:05 UTC |
Source: | https://github.com/kenkellner/ipmbook |
Provides functions and data sets to accompany the book Integrated Population Models by Michael Schaub and Marc Kéry (ISBN: 9780128205648).
The functions are listed by chapter below.
Demonstration of a random-walk sampler for MCMC (section 2.5)
Simulates detection and count data with spatial and temporal replication (section 4.3.3)
Creates an age matrix (section
Converts single- or multistate capture histories to an m-array for one age class (section
Converts single-state capture histories to age-dependent m-arrays (section
Simulates a population based on demographic parameters (section 5.5.1)
Simulates capture histories from a population (section 5.5.1)
Simulates productivity data for a population (section 5.5.1)
Simulates population survey data for a population (section 5.5.1)
Converts dead-recovery capture histories to an m-array (section 12.4.2)
Data for greater horseshoe bats from Switzerland, 1989-2017, chapter 13.
Data for black bears from USA, 2007-2012, chapter 21.
Data for catbirds from USA, 1992-2008, chapter 19.
Data for cormorants from Denmark, 1991-2004, chapter 18.
Data for elk cows from USA, 1988-1993, chapter 17.
Data for black grouse from Italy, 1997-2016, chapter 15.
Data for hoopoe from Switzerland, 2001-2017, chapter 14.
Data for kestrels from Switzerland, 2002-2016, chapter 20.
Data for peregrine falcons from France and Switzerland, 1965-2007, chapter 12.
Data for red-backed shrike from Germany, 1971-2006, section 8.2.
Data for white storks from Germany, 1986-2001, section 4.5.4.
Data for barn swallow from Switzerland, 1997-2003, chapter 16.
Simulated data for woodchat shrike for use in chapter 5.
Simulated data for woodchat shrike for use in chapter 6.
Simulated data for woodchat shrike for use in section 6.4.
Simulated data for woodchat shrike for use in section 6.6.
Simulated data for woodchat shrike for use in chapter 7.
Simulated data for woodchat shrike for use in chapter 10.
Data for woodchat shrike from Germany, 1964-1992, chapter 11.
Nest survival data for wryneck from Switzerland, 2002-2006, section 4.4.6.
Convert capture histories in text format to a matrix.
Removes all-zero rows from a capture history matrix.
Beta distribution with mean and sd.
Beta distribution with mode and concentration.
Gamma distribution with mean and sd.
Calculates the occasion of first capture from a capture history matrix.
Removes the records of first capture from a capture history matrix.
Converts a capture history matrix to one with 1 after the occasion of first capture, NA elsewhere.
Converts a dead-recovery capture history matrix to one with 1 after the occasion of first capture until the occasion of dead recovery, then 0; NA elsewhere.
Converts a capture history matrix to one with 1 where the animal is know to be alive, NA elsewhere.
Michael Schaub, Marc Kéry, Mike Meredith
Data for greater horseshoe bats (Rhinolophus ferrumequinum) were collected from 1989 to 2017 from a nursery colony in a church in the Swiss Alps (Valais).
Bats were captured and marked resulting in capture-recapture data, but in some years no capture was performed. Every year the number of adults was counted when they leave the colony at dusk and the number of newborn was recorded in the colony.
is a list with 7 components:
matrix of capture histories for 574 bats x 29 years.
the age of each bat at first capture, 1 = juvenile, 2 = 1-year old, 3 = at least 2 years old.
sex of bats captured, 1 = female, 2 = male.
annual counts of newborn bats in the roost; in most years these were complete counts.
number of newborn bats recorded as male (not all newborns captured were sexed).
number of newborn bats recorded as female.
annual number of adults counted when the bats leave the colony at dusk; exit counts were not done in 1991 and 2001.
Raphaël Arlettaz, François Biollaz, Antoine Sierro
Schaub, M., Gimenez, O., Sierro, A., Arlettaz, R. (2007) Use of integrated modeling to enhance estimates of population dynamics obtained from limited data. Conservation Biology 21, 945-955.
Sierro, A., Lugon, A., Arlettaz, R. (2009) La colonie de grands rhinolophes Rhinolophus ferrumequinum de l'église St-Sylvie à Vex (Valais, Suisse): évolution sur deux décennies (1968-2006). Le Rhinolophe 18, 75-82.
Schaub, M., Kéry, M. (2022) Integrated Population Models, Academic Press, chapter 13.
data(bats) str(bats)
data(bats) str(bats)
The data on the Louisiana black bear (Ursus americanus luteolus) were collected during six years (2007-2012) in the Upper Atchafalaya River Basin in South-central Louisiana, USA, using hair snares. Hair samples were collected during eight consecutive weeks in each year and a selection of samples were genotyped resulting in spatial capture-recapture (SCR) data. This data set includes SCR data for 2007, 2009 and 2011, plus simple occupancy data for 2008, 2010 and 2012. See Chandler and Clark (2014) for details.
Note that not all hair samples were successfully genotyped, and traps were not deployed at all 128 locations in every year, leading to NAs in the data.
is a list with 3 components:
an array with SCR data, individuals x traps x occasions x years.
an array with detection/nondetection data, locations x occasions x years.
a 2-column matrix with the coordinates of the trap locations.
Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries
Chandler, R. B., Clark, J. D. (2014) Spatially explicit integrated population models. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 5, 1351-1360.
Schaub, M., Kéry, M. (2022) Integrated Population Models, Academic Press, chapter 21.
data(bear) str(bear)
data(bear) str(bear)
Density, distribution function, quantile function and random number generation for the beta distribution with parameters mean
and sd
OR mode
and concentration
. These are wrappers for stats::dbeta
, etc. getBeta*Par
returns the shape parameters.
dbeta2(x, mean, sd) pbeta2(q, mean, sd, lower.tail=TRUE, log.p=FALSE) qbeta2(p, mean, sd, lower.tail=TRUE, log.p=FALSE) rbeta2(n, mean, sd) getBeta2Par(mean, sd) dbeta3(x, mode, concentration) pbeta3(q, mode, concentration, lower.tail=TRUE, log.p=FALSE) qbeta3(p, mode, concentration, lower.tail=TRUE, log.p=FALSE) rbeta3(n, mode, concentration) getBeta3Par(mode, concentration)
dbeta2(x, mean, sd) pbeta2(q, mean, sd, lower.tail=TRUE, log.p=FALSE) qbeta2(p, mean, sd, lower.tail=TRUE, log.p=FALSE) rbeta2(n, mean, sd) getBeta2Par(mean, sd) dbeta3(x, mode, concentration) pbeta3(q, mode, concentration, lower.tail=TRUE, log.p=FALSE) qbeta3(p, mode, concentration, lower.tail=TRUE, log.p=FALSE) rbeta3(n, mode, concentration) getBeta3Par(mode, concentration)
x |
vector of parameter values. |
q |
vector of quantiles. |
p |
vector of probabilities. |
n |
number of random draws required. |
mean |
mean of the beta distribution; cannot be 0 or 1. |
sd |
standard deviation of the beta distribution; this must be less than |
mode |
mode of the beta distribution; may be 0 or 1. |
concentration |
concentration of the beta distribution; concentration = 2 is uniform, and the distribution becomes narrower as concentration increases. It is sometimes referred to as 'sample size', but best thought of as sample size + 2. |
lower.tail |
logical; if TRUE (default), cumulative probabilities up to x, otherwise, above x. |
log.p |
logical; if TRUE, probabilities p are given as log(p). |
gives the density, pbeta*
gives the distribution function, qbeta*
gives the quantile function, and rbeta*
generates random deviates.
returns a 2-column matrix with the shape parameters corresponding to mean
and sd
OR mode
and concentration
Mike Meredith
See the stats functions dbeta
, pbeta
, qbeta
, rbeta
# Plot some curves with dbeta2 xx <- seq(0, 1, length.out=101) plot(xx, dbeta2(xx, 0.4, 0.12), xlab="x", ylab="Probability density", main="Beta curves with mean = 0.4", type='l', lwd=2) lines(xx, dbeta2(xx, 0.4, 0.24), col='darkgreen', lwd=2) lines(xx, dbeta2(xx, 0.4, 0.28), col='red', lwd=2) lines(xx, dbeta2(xx, 0.4, 0.36), col='blue', lwd=2) abline(v=0.4, lty=3, lwd=2) legend('topright', paste("sd =", c(0.12,0.24, 0.28, 0.36)), lwd=2, col=c('black', 'darkgreen', 'red', 'blue'), bty='n') # Get shape and rate parameters for mean = 0.4 and sd = c(0.12,0.24, 0.28, 0.36, 0.49) # The last value for sd is too big and will produce NAs and a warning getBeta2Par(mean = 0.4, sd = c(0.12,0.24, 0.28, 0.36, 0.49)) # The parameterisation with mean and sd doesn't seem intuitive, # let's try mode and concentration. # This does not allow 'bathtub' curves, which are bimodal. plot(xx, dbeta3(xx, 0.4, 16), xlab="x", ylab="Probability density", main="Beta curves with mode = 0.4", type='l', lwd=2) lines(xx, dbeta3(xx, 0.4, 8), col='darkgreen', lwd=2) lines(xx, dbeta3(xx, 0.4, 4), col='red', lwd=2) lines(xx, dbeta3(xx, 0.4, 2), col='blue', lwd=2) abline(v=0.4, lty=3, lwd=2) legend('topright', , lwd=2, paste("concentration =", c(16, 8, 4, 2)), col=c('black', 'darkgreen', 'red', 'blue'), bty='n') # The mode can be at 0 or 1: plot(xx, dbeta3(xx, 1, 16), xlab="x", ylab="Probability density", main="Beta curves with mode = 1", type='l', lwd=2) lines(xx, dbeta3(xx, 1, 8), col='darkgreen', lwd=2) lines(xx, dbeta3(xx, 1, 4), col='red', lwd=2) lines(xx, dbeta3(xx, 1, 2), col='blue', lwd=2) legend('topleft', paste("concentration =", c(16, 8, 4, 2)), lwd=2, col=c('black', 'darkgreen', 'red', 'blue'), bty='n') # Cumulative plots with pbeta3 plot(xx, pbeta3(xx, 0.4, 16), xlab="x", ylab="Cumulative probability", main="Beta curves with mode = 0.4", type='l', lwd=2) lines(xx, pbeta3(xx, 0.4, 8), col='darkgreen', lwd=2) lines(xx, pbeta3(xx, 0.4, 4), col='red', lwd=2) lines(xx, pbeta3(xx, 0.4, 2), col='blue', lwd=2) abline(v=0.4, lty=3, lwd=2) legend('topleft', paste("concentration =", c(16, 8, 4, 2)), lwd=2, col=c('black', 'darkgreen', 'red', 'blue'), bty='n') # Generate random draws and plot a histogram rnd <- rbeta3(1e5, 0.4, 8) hist(rnd, freq=FALSE) # Add the curve: lines(xx, dbeta3(xx, 0.4, 8), col='darkgreen', lwd=2) # Get shape and rate parameters for mode = 0.4 and concentration = c(2, 4, 8, 16) getBeta3Par(mode = 0.4, concentration = c(2, 4, 8, 16))
# Plot some curves with dbeta2 xx <- seq(0, 1, length.out=101) plot(xx, dbeta2(xx, 0.4, 0.12), xlab="x", ylab="Probability density", main="Beta curves with mean = 0.4", type='l', lwd=2) lines(xx, dbeta2(xx, 0.4, 0.24), col='darkgreen', lwd=2) lines(xx, dbeta2(xx, 0.4, 0.28), col='red', lwd=2) lines(xx, dbeta2(xx, 0.4, 0.36), col='blue', lwd=2) abline(v=0.4, lty=3, lwd=2) legend('topright', paste("sd =", c(0.12,0.24, 0.28, 0.36)), lwd=2, col=c('black', 'darkgreen', 'red', 'blue'), bty='n') # Get shape and rate parameters for mean = 0.4 and sd = c(0.12,0.24, 0.28, 0.36, 0.49) # The last value for sd is too big and will produce NAs and a warning getBeta2Par(mean = 0.4, sd = c(0.12,0.24, 0.28, 0.36, 0.49)) # The parameterisation with mean and sd doesn't seem intuitive, # let's try mode and concentration. # This does not allow 'bathtub' curves, which are bimodal. plot(xx, dbeta3(xx, 0.4, 16), xlab="x", ylab="Probability density", main="Beta curves with mode = 0.4", type='l', lwd=2) lines(xx, dbeta3(xx, 0.4, 8), col='darkgreen', lwd=2) lines(xx, dbeta3(xx, 0.4, 4), col='red', lwd=2) lines(xx, dbeta3(xx, 0.4, 2), col='blue', lwd=2) abline(v=0.4, lty=3, lwd=2) legend('topright', , lwd=2, paste("concentration =", c(16, 8, 4, 2)), col=c('black', 'darkgreen', 'red', 'blue'), bty='n') # The mode can be at 0 or 1: plot(xx, dbeta3(xx, 1, 16), xlab="x", ylab="Probability density", main="Beta curves with mode = 1", type='l', lwd=2) lines(xx, dbeta3(xx, 1, 8), col='darkgreen', lwd=2) lines(xx, dbeta3(xx, 1, 4), col='red', lwd=2) lines(xx, dbeta3(xx, 1, 2), col='blue', lwd=2) legend('topleft', paste("concentration =", c(16, 8, 4, 2)), lwd=2, col=c('black', 'darkgreen', 'red', 'blue'), bty='n') # Cumulative plots with pbeta3 plot(xx, pbeta3(xx, 0.4, 16), xlab="x", ylab="Cumulative probability", main="Beta curves with mode = 0.4", type='l', lwd=2) lines(xx, pbeta3(xx, 0.4, 8), col='darkgreen', lwd=2) lines(xx, pbeta3(xx, 0.4, 4), col='red', lwd=2) lines(xx, pbeta3(xx, 0.4, 2), col='blue', lwd=2) abline(v=0.4, lty=3, lwd=2) legend('topleft', paste("concentration =", c(16, 8, 4, 2)), lwd=2, col=c('black', 'darkgreen', 'red', 'blue'), bty='n') # Generate random draws and plot a histogram rnd <- rbeta3(1e5, 0.4, 8) hist(rnd, freq=FALSE) # Add the curve: lines(xx, dbeta3(xx, 0.4, 8), col='darkgreen', lwd=2) # Get shape and rate parameters for mode = 0.4 and concentration = c(2, 4, 8, 16) getBeta3Par(mode = 0.4, concentration = c(2, 4, 8, 16))
The data set includes sighting data from the North American Breeding Bird Survey (BBS) and mark-recapture data from the Monitoring Avian Productivity and Survivorship program (MAPS) for gray catbirds (Dumetella carolinensis) in the New England/Mid-Atlantic region, USA, for 1992-2008.
is a list with 9 components:
matrix of capture-recapture data from MAPS data, 4276 birds x 17 years.
residency for each bird, 1 if the bird was captured more than once at least 11 days apart in the same year; 0 otherwise.
banding station identifier.
number of individuals detected on each route in the BBS data.
identifier of the stratum of the route.
year of the count.
identifier of the observer making the count.
1 if the observer counted on the route for the first time, 0 otherwise.
the area of each stratum.
North American Breeding Bird Survey (BBS) and Monitoring Avian Productivity and Survivorship program (MAPS)
Ahrestani, F. S., Saracco, J. F., Sauer, J. R., Pardieck, K. L., Royle, J. A. (2017) An integrated population model for bird monitoring in North America. Ecological Applications 27, 916-924.
Schaub, M., Kéry, M. (2022) Integrated Population Models, Academic Press, chapter 19.
data(catbird) str(catbird)
data(catbird) str(catbird)
The function takes capture histories in any of the following formats and converts it to a matrix of integers with one column for each capture occasion and one row for each capture history.
Possible formats for ch
1a. a proper CH matrix: numeric, > 1 column – returned unchanged.
1b. the same, as a data frame.
2a. a character vector with "100110", "001100", etc, consisting entirely of digits (no letters, spaces, or symbols).
2b. the same, as a factor.
2c. a numeric vector with 100110, 1100, etc (leading zeros dropped).
3a. a 1-column data frame with 2a, b or c.
3b. a 1-column matrix with 2a or 2c.
ch |
capture histories in a suitable format, see Description. |
A matrix of integers with one column for each capture occasion and one row for each capture history.
Mike Meredith
# Create some example data raw <- c("1000", "1000", "1100", "1100", "1100", "1110", "0110", "0110", "0111", "0101", "0010", "0011", "0001") ch1 <- ch2matrix(raw) # character vector cbind(raw, ch1) ch <- ch2matrix(factor(raw)) # factor all(ch == ch1) ch <- ch2matrix(as.numeric(raw)) # numeric all(ch == ch1) ch <- ch2matrix(matrix(raw, ncol=1)) # 1 column matrix all(ch == ch1) ch <- ch2matrix(data.frame(raw=raw)) # 1 column data frame all(ch == ch1) # Error messages: try(ch2matrix(matrix(rep(raw, 2), ncol=2))) # 2 column matrix -> error try(ch2matrix(data.frame(raw=raw, dummy=raw))) # 2 column data frame -> error raw[2] <- "11000" # wrong length try(ch2matrix(raw)) # error ch2matrix(as.numeric(raw)) # this works, leading zeros not expected.
# Create some example data raw <- c("1000", "1000", "1100", "1100", "1100", "1110", "0110", "0110", "0111", "0101", "0010", "0011", "0001") ch1 <- ch2matrix(raw) # character vector cbind(raw, ch1) ch <- ch2matrix(factor(raw)) # factor all(ch == ch1) ch <- ch2matrix(as.numeric(raw)) # numeric all(ch == ch1) ch <- ch2matrix(matrix(raw, ncol=1)) # 1 column matrix all(ch == ch1) ch <- ch2matrix(data.frame(raw=raw)) # 1 column data frame all(ch == ch1) # Error messages: try(ch2matrix(matrix(rep(raw, 2), ncol=2))) # 2 column matrix -> error try(ch2matrix(data.frame(raw=raw, dummy=raw))) # 2 column data frame -> error raw[2] <- "11000" # wrong length try(ch2matrix(raw)) # error ch2matrix(as.numeric(raw)) # this works, leading zeros not expected.
The data were collected during 14 years from 1991 to 2004 at the three Danish cormorant breeding colonies located in the southwestern Kattegat in the inner Danish waters: Vorsø (labelled V), Mågeøerne (M) and Stavns Fjord (S).
Counts: The number of occupied nests in each colony was counted each year in early May.
Resightings: In all colonies, a large number of nestlings were marked with a standard metal ring on one leg and an alphanumeric colored plastic ring on the other leg; in total 12,659 individuals were marked. Resightings of marked individuals at the breeding colonies by trained field workers from towers, hides or from the ground using a telescope were recorded. Resightings were restricted to breeding individuals. Some individuals appear for the first time in the data set as breeders, having been marked as nestlings prior to 1991.
is a list with 2 components:
matrix of counts of active nests in 3 breeding colonies x 14 years.
a multistate capture history matrix for 12,659 birds x 14 years. The state codes 1-3 index nestlings in colonies V, M and S, respectively, and the state codes 4-6 do the same for the breeders.
Thomas Bregnballe
Borysiewicz, R. S., Morgan, B. J. T., Hénaux, V., Bregnballe, T., Lebreton, J. D., Gimenez, O. (2009) An integrated analysis of multisite recruitment, mark-recapture-recovery and multisite census data. Pages 579-591 in D. Thomson, E. Cooch and M. Conroy, editors. Modeling demographic processes in marked populations. Springer, New York.
McCrea, R. S., Morgan, B. J. T., Gimenez, O., Besbeas, P., Bregnballe, T., Hénaux, V., Lebreton, J. D. (2010) Multi-site integrated population modelling. JABES 15, 539-561.
Schaub, M., Kéry, M. (2022) Integrated Population Models, Academic Press, chapter 18.
data(cormorant) str(cormorant)
data(cormorant) str(cormorant)
Creates an animals x intervals matrix which gives the age class for each individual at the beginning of each interval, based on the occasion of first capture and the age at first capture.
createAge(f, age, nyears, mAge=2)
createAge(f, age, nyears, mAge=2)
f |
a vector of first capture occasions. |
age |
a corresponding vector with the age at first capture of each animal. |
nyears |
the number of years of the study; the number of intervals is |
mAge |
the maximum age class; age is incremented by 1 each year up to |
An individuals x intervals matrix with the age of each individual at the beginning of each interval. Cells prior to the first capture are filled with NAs.
Michael Schaub
Schaub, M., Kéry, M. (2022) Integrated Population Models, Adademic Press, section
data(woodchat5) f <- getFirst(woodchat5$ch) # Remove animals first captured on the last occasion last <- which(f==ncol(woodchat5$ch)) f <- f[-last] age <- woodchat5$age[-last] x <- createAge(f, age, 20, 2) head(x) x[115:120,] tail(x)
data(woodchat5) f <- getFirst(woodchat5$ch) # Remove animals first captured on the last occasion last <- which(f==ncol(woodchat5$ch)) f <- f[-last] age <- woodchat5$age[-last] x <- createAge(f, age, 20, 2) head(x) x[115:120,] tail(x)
Generates an MCMC chain for the probability of success on the logit scale, ltheta = logit(theta)
, for binomial data with y successes in N trials. The prior for ltheta
is a Normal distribution with mean mu.ltheta
and SD sd.ltheta
. Proposal values are drawn from a Normal distribution with mean = current value and SD = prop.sd.
demoMCMC(y = 20, N = 50, niter = 25000, mu.ltheta = 0, sd.ltheta = 100, prop.sd = 1, init = 0, quiet = FALSE, show.plots = TRUE)
demoMCMC(y = 20, N = 50, niter = 25000, mu.ltheta = 0, sd.ltheta = 100, prop.sd = 1, init = 0, quiet = FALSE, show.plots = TRUE)
y |
number of successes. |
N |
number of trials. |
niter |
the number of MCMC draws required. |
mu.ltheta |
the mean of the Normal prior distribution for logit(theta). |
sd.ltheta |
the SD of the Normal prior distribution for logit(theta). |
prop.sd |
the SD of the Normal distribution for the proposals. |
init |
initial value for logit(theta). |
quiet |
if TRUE, console output is suppressed. |
show.plots |
if FALSE, plotting is suppressed. |
A list with the values of the input arguments and the following additional elements:
ltheta |
a vector with the MCMC draws. |
acc.prob |
the proportion of proposed values accepted. |
Adapted from code in Ntzoufras (2009), p. 48.
Ntzoufras, I. (2009) Bayesian Modeling Using WinBUGS, Wiley, Hoboken NJ.
Schaub, M., Kéry, M. (2022), Integrated Population Models, Academic Press, section 2.5.
require(graphics) # Default settings str(tmp <- demoMCMC(y = 20, N = 50, niter = 25000, mu.ltheta = 0, sd.ltheta = 100, prop.sd = 1, init = 0)) # Show convergence str(tmp <- demoMCMC(prop.sd = 0.1, init = 10)) # Show convergence: no convergence str(tmp <- demoMCMC(prop.sd = 0.1, init = 100)) # Very, very small step size: very inefficient str(tmp <- demoMCMC(prop.sd = 0.01)) # Very small step size: inefficient str(tmp <- demoMCMC(prop.sd = 0.1)) # Default step size: pretty good for this case str(tmp <- demoMCMC(prop.sd = 1)) # Larger than default step size: efficiency goes down again str(tmp <- demoMCMC(prop.sd = 10)) # Muuuuch larger ..... brrrrr ! str(tmp <- demoMCMC(prop.sd = 100))
require(graphics) # Default settings str(tmp <- demoMCMC(y = 20, N = 50, niter = 25000, mu.ltheta = 0, sd.ltheta = 100, prop.sd = 1, init = 0)) # Show convergence str(tmp <- demoMCMC(prop.sd = 0.1, init = 10)) # Show convergence: no convergence str(tmp <- demoMCMC(prop.sd = 0.1, init = 100)) # Very, very small step size: very inefficient str(tmp <- demoMCMC(prop.sd = 0.01)) # Very small step size: inefficient str(tmp <- demoMCMC(prop.sd = 0.1)) # Default step size: pretty good for this case str(tmp <- demoMCMC(prop.sd = 1)) # Larger than default step size: efficiency goes down again str(tmp <- demoMCMC(prop.sd = 10)) # Muuuuch larger ..... brrrrr ! str(tmp <- demoMCMC(prop.sd = 100))
creates a vector or matrix to be used with the categorical distribution, dcat
, in JAGS to generate a discrete uniform prior.
dUnif(lower, upper)
dUnif(lower, upper)
lower , upper
Range of the discrete uniform prior. Either scalars, or vectors of the same length. Values are rounded to integers. |
If the arguments are scalar, a vector of length equal to upper
, with the first lower - 1
elements filled with zeros and remainder holding a constant value such that the vector sums to 1.
Otherwise a matrix with each row constructed as above: the columns from lower
to upper
have a constant value, other columns hold zeros. See the examples.
Michael Schaub, Marc Kéry, Mike Meredith
Schaub, M., Kéry, M. (2022) Integrated Population Models, Academic Press, section 5.4.4.
# Both arguments scalar, vector output (p <- dUnif(lower = 4, upper = 8)) # 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 sum(p) # Non-integer arguments are rounded (p <- dUnif(lower = 3.8, upper = 8.2)) # same as above # Vector arguments, matrix output (p <- dUnif(lower = c(4, 2, 5), upper = c(8,11,6))) # [1,] 0 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 # [2,] 0 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 # [3,] 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.5 0.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 rowSums(p) # all 1
# Both arguments scalar, vector output (p <- dUnif(lower = 4, upper = 8)) # 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 sum(p) # Non-integer arguments are rounded (p <- dUnif(lower = 3.8, upper = 8.2)) # same as above # Vector arguments, matrix output (p <- dUnif(lower = c(4, 2, 5), upper = c(8,11,6))) # [1,] 0 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 # [2,] 0 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 # [3,] 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.5 0.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 rowSums(p) # all 1
All three data sets from an elk (Cervus canadensis) population are from Northern Idaho, 1988 to 1993, and include only females, i.e., the elk cows.
The age-at-harvest data summarize the number of elk cows harvested and reported in each year stratified by age. All animals reported are sexed and aged based on tooth inspection, discarding records of elk older than 18 years. Not all hunted animals are reported.
The reporting rate was assessed by a telephone survey of registered hunters, recording in each year the number who said they had killed an elk cow and the number of hunters interviewed.
Some elk cows were radio-tracked each year, and for these we have data for survival, hunting mortality and other mortality.
is a list with 3 matrices:
age-at-harvest data from cow elk, 17 age classes x 6 years.
hunter survey results, 2 rows x 6 years.
data for radio-tagged elk, 3 categories x 6 years.
Idaho Department of Fish and Game, see Gove et al. (2002)
Gove, N. E., Skalski, J. R., Zager, P., Townsend, R. L. (2002) Statistical models for population reconstruction using age-at-harvest data. Journal of Wildlife Management 66, 310-320.
Schaub, M., Kéry, M. (2022) Integrated Population Models, Academic Press, chapter 17.
data(elk) str(elk)
data(elk) str(elk)
Many of the arguments to functions in the IPMbook package are in the form of matrices, eg, age classes x time. Entering the full matrix is tedious and difficult to read. In many cases, the parameter will be time-invariant or several age classes will share the same values, when input can be abbreviated.
If all values are equal, a single value can be entered and all elements of the matrix will be set to this.
For a time-invariant parameter, a vector can be entered, and this will be plugged in to all columns of the matrix. The vector can be shorter than the number of age classes, when the last value will be replicated for the remaining classes.
If the parameter varies with time, a matrix must be entered, but it does not need a row for every age class. If the matrix has fewer rows than the number of age classes, the last row will be replicated for the remaining classes.
In most cases, the full matrix is included in the output of the function: check this to make sure the expansion has worked as expected.
Density, distribution function, quantile function and random number generation for the gamma distribution with parameters mean
and sd
. These are wrappers for stats::dgamma
, etc. getGammaPar
returns the shape and rate parameters.
dgamma2(x, mean, sd) pgamma2(q, mean, sd, lower.tail=TRUE, log.p=FALSE) qgamma2(p, mean, sd, lower.tail=TRUE, log.p=FALSE) rgamma2(n, mean, sd) getGammaPar(mean, sd)
dgamma2(x, mean, sd) pgamma2(q, mean, sd, lower.tail=TRUE, log.p=FALSE) qgamma2(p, mean, sd, lower.tail=TRUE, log.p=FALSE) rgamma2(n, mean, sd) getGammaPar(mean, sd)
x |
vector of parameter values. |
q |
vector of quantiles. |
p |
vector of probabilities. |
n |
number of random draws required. |
mean |
mean of the gamma distribution. |
sd |
standard deviation of the gamma distribution. |
lower.tail |
logical; if TRUE (default), cumulative probabilities up to x, otherwise, above x. |
log.p |
logical; if TRUE, probabilities p are given as log(p). |
gives the density, pgamma2
gives the distribution function, qgamma2
gives the quantile function, and rgamma2
generates random deviates.
returns a 2-column matrix with the shape and rate parameters corresponding to mean
and sd
Mike Meredith
See the stats functions dgamma
, pgamma
, qgamma
, rgamma
# Plot some curves with dgamma2 xx <- seq(0, 20, length.out=101) plot(xx, dgamma2(xx, 5, 1), xlab="x", ylab="Probability density", main="Gamma curves with mean = 5", type='l', lwd=2) lines(xx, dgamma2(xx, 5, 2), col='darkgreen', lwd=2) lines(xx, dgamma2(xx, 5, 4), col='red', lwd=2) lines(xx, dgamma2(xx, 5, 8), col='blue', lwd=2) abline(v=5, lty=3, lwd=2) legend('topright', paste("sd =", c(1,2,4,8)), lwd=2, col=c('black', 'darkgreen', 'red', 'blue'), bty='n') # Cumulative plots with pgamma2 plot(xx, pgamma2(xx, 5, 1), xlab="x", ylab="Cumulative probability", main="Gamma curves with mean = 5", type='l', lwd=2) lines(xx, pgamma2(xx, 5, 2), col='darkgreen', lwd=2) lines(xx, pgamma2(xx, 5, 4), col='red', lwd=2) lines(xx, pgamma2(xx, 5, 8), col='blue', lwd=2) abline(v=5, lty=3, lwd=2) legend('bottomright', paste("sd =", c(1,2,4,8)), lwd=2, col=c('black', 'darkgreen', 'red', 'blue'), bty='n') # Generate random draws and plot a histogram rnd <- rgamma2(1e5, 5, 2) hist(rnd, freq=FALSE) # Add the curve: lines(xx, dgamma2(xx, 5, 2), col='darkgreen', lwd=2) # Get shape and rate parameters for mean = 5 and sd = c(1,2,4,8) getGammaPar(mean = 5, sd = c(1,2,4,8))
# Plot some curves with dgamma2 xx <- seq(0, 20, length.out=101) plot(xx, dgamma2(xx, 5, 1), xlab="x", ylab="Probability density", main="Gamma curves with mean = 5", type='l', lwd=2) lines(xx, dgamma2(xx, 5, 2), col='darkgreen', lwd=2) lines(xx, dgamma2(xx, 5, 4), col='red', lwd=2) lines(xx, dgamma2(xx, 5, 8), col='blue', lwd=2) abline(v=5, lty=3, lwd=2) legend('topright', paste("sd =", c(1,2,4,8)), lwd=2, col=c('black', 'darkgreen', 'red', 'blue'), bty='n') # Cumulative plots with pgamma2 plot(xx, pgamma2(xx, 5, 1), xlab="x", ylab="Cumulative probability", main="Gamma curves with mean = 5", type='l', lwd=2) lines(xx, pgamma2(xx, 5, 2), col='darkgreen', lwd=2) lines(xx, pgamma2(xx, 5, 4), col='red', lwd=2) lines(xx, pgamma2(xx, 5, 8), col='blue', lwd=2) abline(v=5, lty=3, lwd=2) legend('bottomright', paste("sd =", c(1,2,4,8)), lwd=2, col=c('black', 'darkgreen', 'red', 'blue'), bty='n') # Generate random draws and plot a histogram rnd <- rgamma2(1e5, 5, 2) hist(rnd, freq=FALSE) # Add the curve: lines(xx, dgamma2(xx, 5, 2), col='darkgreen', lwd=2) # Get shape and rate parameters for mean = 5 and sd = c(1,2,4,8) getGammaPar(mean = 5, sd = c(1,2,4,8))
Data for black grouse (Lyrurus tetrix) from Alpe Devero in the Piemont region of the Alps in Northern Italy from 1997 to 2016.
The number of displaying cocks was recorded each spring. In late summer, grouse were looked for with the help of pointer dogs and counted. Some grouse were equipped with a radio transmitter and the status of these birds (alive, dead) was regularly recorded.
is a list with 10 components:
matrix of capture histories for 96 radio-tagged birds x 128 months: 1 if found alive, 0 if found dead, otherwise NA.
the actual age of each bird: 1 = juvenile, 2 = adult.
the sex of each bird: 1 = female, 2 = male.
the season of the survey: 1 = spring, 2 = summer, 3 = autumn, 4 = winter.
annual count of displaying males at leks in spring.
annual count of flushed adult males in late summer.
annual count of flushed adult females in late summer.
annual count of flushed chicks in late summer.
annual total number of chicks in families where chicks could be sexed.
annual number of female chicks in families where chicks could be sexed.
Luca Rotelli, Radames Bionda
Rotelli, L., Zbinden, N., Bionda, R., Schaub, M. (in prep.) Chick survival and hunting are important drivers for the dynamics of two Alpine black grouse (Lylurus tetrix) populations. Wildlife Biology.
Schaub, M., Kéry, M. (2022) Integrated Population Models, Academic Press, chapter 15.
data(grouse) str(grouse)
data(grouse) str(grouse)
removes histories without any capture (ie, all-zero rows) from a capture-recapture matrix.
removes the first capture in each row of a capture history matrix, replacing it with zero.
takes a capture history and returns a matching matrix with 1 where the individual is know to be alive (ie, between the first and last capture) and NA elsewhere.
takes a capture history and returns a matching matrix with 1 after the occasion of first capture and NA elsewhere.
takes a dead-recovery capture history and returns a matching matrix with 1 after the occasion of first capture until the recovery occasion and 0 subsequently; NA elsewhere.
calculates the occasion of first capture in a capture history matrix.
cleanCH(ch) zKnown(ch) zInit(ch) zInitDR(chDR) rmFirst(x) getFirst(x)
cleanCH(ch) zKnown(ch) zInit(ch) zInitDR(chDR) rmFirst(x) getFirst(x)
ch |
an individuals x time matrix with capture histories. |
chDR |
an individuals x time matrix with dead recovery capture histories: 1 indicates initial capture or dead recovery, 0 otherwise. |
x |
an individuals x time matrix with capture histories, or a vector of capture/noncapture data, typically 1 row of a capture history. |
, zKnown
, zInit
, zInitDR
and rmFirst
return the modified capture history matrix.
returns the occasion of first capture, NA if no capture recorded for an individual.
Michael Schaub, Marc Kéry, Mike Meredith
The data for the hoopoe (Upupa epops) were collected from 2002 to 2017 in the Swiss Alps (Valais). The nestboxes were checked regularly to record the number of broods and to determine breeding success. Nestlings were ringed and breeding adults captured.
is a list with 5 components:
matrix of capture histories for 3,844 female birds x 16 years.
the age of each female at first capture, 1 = nestling, 2 = at least 1-year old.
the annual population index (number of breeding pairs recorded).
a data frame with annual totals of mothers for which fledglings were recorded (B1 = 1-year-old, B2 = older females) and the corresponding number of fledglings (J1 and J2, respectively).
a data frame with details of reproduction of individual females: id = mother's ID, f = total annual number of fledglings raised by each mother, including any replacement and second broods, year = year of the record.
Swiss Ornithological Institute and Institute of Ecology and Evolution (Division of Conservation Biology), University of Bern.
Arlettaz, R., M. Schaub, J. Fournier, T. S. Reichlin, A. Sierro, J. E. M. Watson, V. Braunisch (2010) From Publications to Public Actions: When Conservation Biologists Bridge the Gap between Research and Implementation. BioScience 60, 835-842.
Plard, F., R. Arlettaz, A. Jacot, M. Schaub (2020) Disentangling the spatial and temporal causes of decline in a bird population. Ecology and Evolution 10, 6909-6918.
Schaub, M., T. S. Reichlin, F. Abadi, M. Kéry, L. Jenni, R. Arlettaz (2012) The demographic drivers of local population dynamics in two rare migratory birds. Oecologia 168, 97-108.
Schaub, M., Kéry, M. (2022) Integrated Population Models, Academic Press, chapter 14.
data(hoopoe) str(hoopoe)
data(hoopoe) str(hoopoe)
The data sets for kestrels (Falco tinnunculus) were collected between 2002 and 2016 in the north-western quadrant of Switzerland.
They comprise breeding bird counts from a monitoring program and from the breeding bird atlas, and dead-recoveries of ringed individuals.
is a list with 4 components:
landscape data, a data frame with rows for 15,734 quadrats (1 x 1km) in the study area and the following columns:
x and y : the coordinates of the center of the quadrat.
elevation : mean elevation of the quadrat (m).
lakes : proportion of the quadrat covered by water.
data from Swiss Breeding Bird Monitoring (MHB, Schmid et al., 2004) for 120 quadrats in the study area, a list with the following components:
x and y : the coordinates of the center of the quadrat.
tcount : a quadrats x years matrix, the annual total count of kestrels.
data from the Swiss atlas survey (Knaus et al., 2018) for 574 atlas quadrats in the study area, a list with the following components:
x and y : the coordinates of the center of the quadrat.
year : the year of the survey, 2013-2015.
count : a quadrats x surveys matrix, the count of kestrels in the quadrat for up to 3 surveys; quadrats with only 2 surveys have NA in the third column.
dead-recovery data from a total of 24,561 kestrels ringed at a nest-box in one of 7 ringing areas in the study area (Fay et al., 2019), a list with the following components:
site : a matrix with 24,561 rows and columns for site ID and mean x and y coordinates of the nest-boxes at the site.
deadrecovery : an individual x year (2002-2016) matrix with 1 for the occasions of initial capture and dead recovery, 0 otherwise.
age : a length 24,561 vector with the age ("juv" or "ad") of ringing.
Swiss Ornithological Institute
Fay, R., Michler, S., Laesser, J., Schaub, M. (2019) Integrated population model reveals that kestrels breeding in nest boxes operate as a source population. Ecography 42, 2122-2131.
Knaus, P., Antoniazza, S., Wechsler, S., Guelat, J., Kéry, M., Strebel, N., Sattler, T. (2018) Schweizer Brutvogelatlas 2013-2016. Verbreitung und Bestandsentwicklung der Vögel in der Schweiz und im Fürstentum Liechtenstein, Sempach.
Schaub, M., Kéry, M. (2022) Integrated Population Models, Academic Press. chapter 20.
Schmid, H., Zbinden, N., Keller, V. (2004) Überwachung der Bestandsentwicklung häufiger Brutvögel in der Schweiz. Schweizerische Vogelwarte, Sempach.
data(kestrel) str(kestrel)
data(kestrel) str(kestrel)
Creates an m-array for a single- or multistate capture-recapture data with one age class and optionally more than one group.
marray(ch, unobs = 0, freq = 1, groups = NULL)
marray(ch, unobs = 0, freq = 1, groups = NULL)
ch |
an individuals x time matrix with single- or multistate capture histories (0: not captured; 1...X: captured in the 1...X states). See Details. |
unobs |
number of unobserved states (default is 0, needs to be given only in specific cases). |
freq |
a vector with the number of animals with each capture history, or a matrix with a column for each group. If a single value is supplied, it will be used for all rows in the capture history; the default is to assume each row corresponds to a single animal. |
groups |
a factor (or a vector that can be coerced to a factor) which identifies the group that each row of |
The argument ch
can be a matrix of unique capture histories accompanied by a vector or matrix, freq
, specifying the number of animals with each capture history. Trap losses can be indicated either by negative values for freq
, or by filling the row with NA after the last capture. For other formats, see ch2matrix
For single-state capture recapture data, an m-array which is a (years-1) x years x groups array, where element [i, j, g] contains the number of individuals in group g released in year i and recaptured in year j+1 (by definition no recaptures can occur in year 1). If no groups are specified, this will be a (years-1) x years matrix. The last column contains the number of individuals released in year i and never recaptured.
For multi-state capture-recapture data with s states (including potential unobservable states), an m-array which is a (years-1)*s x (years-1)*2 + 1 x groups array. An element [i, j, g] contains the number of individuals in group g released in year t and state n (i = (t-1)*s + n) and recaptured in year k+1 in state m (j = (k-1)*s + m). If no groups are specified, this will be a matrix. The last column contains the number of individuals released in year t and state s and never recaptured. The labeling of unobserved states starts with the number of observed states + 1.
Michael Schaub
Schaub, M., Kéry, M. (2022) Integrated Population Models, Academic Press, section
# Convert a single state capture history matrix into an m-array data(woodchat5) dim(woodchat5$ch) # 1902 animals x 20 years ch1 <- cleanCH(woodchat5$ch[, 11:20]) # Use last 10 years only marray(ch1) # Convert a multistate capture history into an m-array data(cormorant) dim(cormorant$ms.ch) # 12,659 animals x 14 years ch2 <- cleanCH(cormorant$ms.ch[, 11:14]) # Use last 4 years only table(ch2) # 6 states marray(ch2)
# Convert a single state capture history matrix into an m-array data(woodchat5) dim(woodchat5$ch) # 1902 animals x 20 years ch1 <- cleanCH(woodchat5$ch[, 11:20]) # Use last 10 years only marray(ch1) # Convert a multistate capture history into an m-array data(cormorant) dim(cormorant$ms.ch) # 12,659 animals x 14 years ch2 <- cleanCH(cormorant$ms.ch[, 11:14]) # Use last 4 years only table(ch2) # 6 states marray(ch2)
Converts single-state capture-recapture data to age-dependent m-arrays.
marrayAge(ch, age = 1, mAge = 1, freq = 1, groups = NULL)
marrayAge(ch, age = 1, mAge = 1, freq = 1, groups = NULL)
ch |
an individuals x time matrix with capture histories (0: not captured; 1: captured). See Details. |
age |
vector with the age class at first capture for each individual, or a scalar that will be used for all individuals. |
mAge |
maximum number of age classes for which m-arrays are constructed; ignored if |
freq |
a vector with the number of animals with each capture history, or a matrix with a column for each group. If a single value is supplied, it will be used for all rows in the capture history; the default is to assume each row corresponds to a single animal. |
groups |
a factor (or a vector that can be coerced to a factor) which identifies the group that each row of |
The argument ch
can be a matrix of unique capture histories accompanied by a vector or matrix, freq
, specifying the number of animals with each capture history. Trap losses can be indicated either by negative values for freq
, or by filling the row with NA after the last capture. For other formats, see ch2matrix
A 4-d array, (years-1) x years x age classes x groups, where element [i, j, k, g] contains the number of individuals in group g of age class k released in year i and recaptured in year j+1 (by definition no recaptures can occur in year 1). If no groups are specified, this will be a 3-d array, (years-1) x years x age classes. The last column contains the number of individuals released in year i and never recaptured.
Michael Schaub
Schaub, M., Kéry, M. (2022) Integrated Population Models, Academic Press, section
data(woodchat5) dim(woodchat5$ch) # 1902 animals x 20 years marrayAge(ch=woodchat5$ch, age=woodchat5$age, mAge=2)
data(woodchat5) dim(woodchat5$ch) # 1902 animals x 20 years marrayAge(ch=woodchat5$ch, age=woodchat5$age, mAge=2)
Converts dead-recovery capture histories to an m-array.
marrayDead(MR, freq = 1, groups = NULL)
marrayDead(MR, freq = 1, groups = NULL)
MR |
an individuals x time matrix with 1 denoting either the time of marking or the time of recovery; otherwise 0. |
freq |
a vector with the number of animals with each capture history, or a matrix with a column for each group. If a single value is supplied, it will be used for all rows in the capture history; the default is to assume each row corresponds to a single animal. |
groups |
a factor (or a vector that can be coerced to a factor) which identifies the group that each row of |
The argument MR
can be a matrix of unique capture histories accompanied by a vector or matrix, freq
, specifying the number of animals with each capture history. For other formats, see ch2matrix
An m-array, a (years-1) x years x groups array, where element [i, j, g] contains the number of individuals in group g marked in year i and recovered in year j+1. The last column contains the number of individuals marked in year i and never recovered. If no groups are specified, this will be a (years-1) x years matrix.
Michael Schaub
Schaub, M., Kéry, M. (2022) Integrated Population Models, Academic Press, chapter 12.4.3.
data(peregrine) str(peregrine$recoveries) # 1810 animals x 43 years dr <- cleanCH(peregrine$recoveries[, 29:43]) # Use last 15 years of data marrayDead(dr)
data(peregrine) str(peregrine$recoveries) # 1810 animals x 43 years dr <- cleanCH(peregrine$recoveries[, 29:43]) # Use last 15 years of data marrayDead(dr)
Data for peregrine falcons (Falco peregrinus) from the Jura Mountains straddling the Franco-Swiss border for 1965 to 2007. We combined data collected by Gaby Banderet and colleagues in Switzerland and René-Jean Monneret, René Ruffinoni and their colleagues in France.
Data comprise the annual number of breeding pairs, information on productivity and dead-recoveries of marked individuals.
is a list with 3 components:
a 2-column matrix with the number of breeding pairs recorded in each year.
a 3-column matrix with the number of broods surveyed and the total number of fledglings for each year.
an individuals x years matrix, with 1 when an individual was ringed as a nestling and when recovered dead; otherwise 0.
Swiss data from Gabriel Banderet and the Swiss Ornithological Institute. French data from Fonds Sauvegarde Faune Flore Jurassienne - Groupe Pèlerin Jura.
Kéry, M., Banderet, G., Neuhaus, M., Weggler, M., Schmid, H., Sattler, T., Parish, D. (2018) Population trends of the Peregrine Falcon in Switzerland with special reference to the period 2005-2016. Ornis Hungarica 26, 91-103.
Monneret, R.-J., Rufinioni, R., Parish, D., Pinaud, D., Kéry, M. (2018) The Peregrine population study in the French Jura mountains 1964-2016: use of occupancy modeling to estimate population size and analyze site persistence and colonization rates. Ornis Hungarica 26, 69-90.
Schaub, M., Kéry, M. (2022) Integrated Population Models, Academic Press, chapter 12.
data(peregrine) str(peregrine)
data(peregrine) str(peregrine)
Data for the red-backed shrike (Lanius collurio) were collected from 1971 to 2006 from a study area in southern Germany. They comprise the annual number of breeding pairs, information about productivity from regular checks of nests, and capture-recapture data of juvenile and adult shrikes.
is a list with 5 components:
capture histories for females marked as adults in m-array format.
capture histories for females marked as fledglings in m-array format.
the number of broods monitored each year.
the number of fledglings produced each year by the monitored broods.
the number of active breeding pairs on 15 June each year.
Wolfgang Staube, Hans Jakober
Abadi, F., Gimenez, O., Jakober, H., Stauber, W., Arlettaz, R., Schaub, M. (2012) Estimating the strength of density dependence in the presence of observation errors using integrated population models. Ecological Modelling 242, 1-9.
Schaub, M., Jakober, H., Stauber, W. (2013) Strong contribution of immigration to local population regulation: evidence from a migratory passerine. Ecology 94, 1828-1838.
Schaub, M., Kéry, M. (2022) Integrated Population Models, Academic Press, section 8.2.
data(redbacked) str(redbacked)
data(redbacked) str(redbacked)
Simulates capture histories from a simulated population created by simPop
. Capture probabilities may vary among the age classes and with time, and can be different for initial capture vs recapture.
simCapHist(state, cap = c(0.35, 0.4), recap = NULL, maxAge = NULL, verbose = TRUE)
simCapHist(state, cap = c(0.35, 0.4), recap = NULL, maxAge = NULL, verbose = TRUE)
state |
an animals x years matrix with the age of each animal in the population (animals born in the current year coded as age = 0), usually the output from |
cap |
matrix with age- and time-specific probabilities for initial capture; the first row refers to newborns/nestlings. Input can be abbreviated. |
recap |
matrix with age- and time-specific probabilities probabilities of REcapture: this has 1 less column than |
maxAge |
maximum number of age classes that can be identified when the individuals are captured for the first time; if NULL, no upper limit is imposed. |
verbose |
if TRUE, information is displayed in the console. |
A list with the arguments used and the following 2 components:
ch |
matrix with the capture histories. |
age |
vector with the age class at first capture for each individual; note that animals marked as newborns/nestlings have age = 1, older individuals have ages from 2 to |
Michael Schaub
Schaub, M., Kéry, M. (2022) Integrated Population Models, Academic Press, section 5.5.1.
# Generate a simulated population: pop <- simPop() # Simulate capture histories ch <- simCapHist(pop$state) str(ch) ch$cap ch$recap ch$age head(ch$ch) # Time-varying recapture probabilities, same for all classes: # use 1-row matrix ch <- simCapHist(pop$state, recap=matrix(1:5/10, nrow=1)) ch$recap
# Generate a simulated population: pop <- simPop() # Simulate capture histories ch <- simCapHist(pop$state) str(ch) ch$cap ch$recap ch$age head(ch$ch) # Time-varying recapture probabilities, same for all classes: # use 1-row matrix ch <- simCapHist(pop$state, recap=matrix(1:5/10, nrow=1)) ch$recap
Simulates count survey data assuming a binomial, normal, or Poisson sampling process. For the last two, it is assumed that individuals may be double counted and missed at the same rate.
simCountBin(N, pDetect) simCountNorm(N, sigma) simCountPois(N)
simCountBin(N, pDetect) simCountNorm(N, sigma) simCountPois(N)
N |
annual number of individuals at risk of detection, which may be all adults or just those breeding. The length of the vector determines the number of sampling occasions. |
pDetect |
vector with the annual detection probabilities of the individuals at risk of counting; all individuals have the same probability to be counted; a scalar can be used if probability does not change with time. |
sigma |
vector with the annual observation error (SD); a scalar can be used if error does not change with time. |
A list with the parameters entered and count
with the number of individuals counted in each year.
Michael Schaub
Schaub, M., Kéry, M. (2022) Integrated Population Models, Academic Press, section 5.5.1.
# Generate a simulated population: pop <- simPop() pop$breeders # Simulate count data of breeders or of adults simCountBin(pop$totBreeders, p=0.6) simCountNorm(pop$totBreeders, sigma=10) simCountPois(pop$totAdults)
# Generate a simulated population: pop <- simPop() pop$breeders # Simulate count data of breeders or of adults simCountBin(pop$totBreeders, p=0.6) simCountNorm(pop$totBreeders, sigma=10) simCountPois(pop$totAdults)
Function simulates MHB (Monitoring häufige Brutvögel) lookalike data. MHB is the Swiss breeding bird survey that is the source of many classic data sets (e.g. Kéry & Royle, 2016, 2021). This survey was launched in 1999 and for a total of 267 1km2 quadrats laid out in an approximate grid over Switzerland. 2 or 3 surveys are conducted in each breeding season (mid-April to early July) on a quadrat-specific, constant route averaging 4-6 km and all birds detected are mapped, thus yielding replicated counts of unmarked individuals.
The data are simulated under the assumptions of a binomial N-mixture model where for lambda
we can specify a log-linear trend over the years and we can account for site-level random effects in both the intercept and the slopes of the log-linear model.
For detection probability we have currently a constant average or a logit-linear trend over the years, with no further heterogeneity.
simMHB(nsites = 267, nsurveys = 3, nyears = 25, mean.lam = 1, mean.beta = 0.03, sd.lam = c(0.5, 0.05), mean.p = 0.6, beta.p = 0.1, show.plot = TRUE)
simMHB(nsites = 267, nsurveys = 3, nyears = 25, mean.lam = 1, mean.beta = 0.03, sd.lam = c(0.5, 0.05), mean.p = 0.6, beta.p = 0.1, show.plot = TRUE)
nsites |
number of sites included in the survey. |
nsurveys |
number of replicate surveys at each site in each year. |
nyears |
number of years. |
mean.lam |
intercept of expected abundance. |
mean.beta |
average slope of log(lambda) on year. |
sd.lam |
a length 2 vector, the SDs of the Normal distribution from which random site effects for the intercept and the slope in the log-linear model for lambda are drawn randomly. |
mean.p |
value of constant detection probability per survey (or intercept of the logit-linear model for p). |
beta.p |
slope of the logit(p) in year. |
show.plot |
if TRUE, the output will be displayed graphically. |
A list with the arguments used and the following components:
alpha |
vector with intercept used for the log-linear model for lambda for each site. |
beta |
vector with slope used for the log-linear model for lambda for each site. |
lam |
sites x years matrix with the expected number of animals at each site. |
N |
sites x years matrix with the realized number of animals at each site. |
totalN |
vector with the total number of animals in each year. |
p |
vector with the probability of detection in each year. |
C |
sites x surveys x years array with the counts of animals detected. |
Marc Kéry
Kéry, M., Royle, A. (2016) Applied Hierarchical Modeling in Ecology Vol 1, Academic Press.
Kéry, M., Royle, A. (2021) Applied Hierarchical Modeling in Ecology Vol 2, Academic Press.
Schaub, M., Kéry, M. (2022) Integrated Population Models, Academic Press, section 4.3.3.
# Explicit default values for all function arguments str(dat <- simMHB(nsites=267, nsurveys=3, nyears=25, mean.lam=1, mean.beta=0.03, sd.lam=c(0.5, 0.05), mean.p=0.6, beta.p=0.1, show.plot=TRUE)) str(dat <- simMHB()) # Same, implicit str(dat <- simMHB(nsites=1000)) # More sites str(dat <- simMHB(nsurveys=10)) # More surveys str(dat <- simMHB(nyears=50)) # More years str(dat <- simMHB(mean.lam=5)) # Higher mean abundance str(dat <- simMHB(mean.beta=-0.03)) # Population declines str(dat <- simMHB(sd.lam=c(0, 0))) # No site variability in lambda str(dat <- simMHB(mean.p=1)) # Perfect detection str(dat <- simMHB(mean.p=0.6, beta.p=0)) # Constant p = 0.6 str(dat <- simMHB(mean.p=0.6, beta.p=-0.2)) # Declining p str(dat <- simMHB(show.plot=FALSE)) # No plots (when used in simulations)
# Explicit default values for all function arguments str(dat <- simMHB(nsites=267, nsurveys=3, nyears=25, mean.lam=1, mean.beta=0.03, sd.lam=c(0.5, 0.05), mean.p=0.6, beta.p=0.1, show.plot=TRUE)) str(dat <- simMHB()) # Same, implicit str(dat <- simMHB(nsites=1000)) # More sites str(dat <- simMHB(nsurveys=10)) # More surveys str(dat <- simMHB(nyears=50)) # More years str(dat <- simMHB(mean.lam=5)) # Higher mean abundance str(dat <- simMHB(mean.beta=-0.03)) # Population declines str(dat <- simMHB(sd.lam=c(0, 0))) # No site variability in lambda str(dat <- simMHB(mean.p=1)) # Perfect detection str(dat <- simMHB(mean.p=0.6, beta.p=0)) # Constant p = 0.6 str(dat <- simMHB(mean.p=0.6, beta.p=-0.2)) # Declining p str(dat <- simMHB(show.plot=FALSE)) # No plots (when used in simulations)
The simulation tracks individual females from birth through a series of adult age classes to death, as well as numbers of female and male offspring. The function allows for 1 or more age classes. Once an animal reaches the oldest age class, age does not increase further until death.
The user specifies the number of females in each age class at the beginning of the simulation, before the first breeding season. Adult females can enter the population as immigrants; the age of immigrants is controlled by ageOfImm
Fecundity (the total number of offspring per adult female per year) can vary by age class and year in an age x year matrix. The sex ratio determines the proportion of females among the offspring.
In some age classes, not all animals may attempt to breed, and the probability of breeding can be specified.
Probability of survival can also vary by age class and year. The first row of the survival matrix specifies the survival of the animals born in each year and the remaining rows control survival for the respective older age classes.
simPop(Ni = c(10, 10), phi = c(0.3, 0.55), f = 3.2, nYears = 6, pBreed = 1, sex.ratio = 0.5, Im = 0, ageOfIm = 1)
simPop(Ni = c(10, 10), phi = c(0.3, 0.55), f = 3.2, nYears = 6, pBreed = 1, sex.ratio = 0.5, Im = 0, ageOfIm = 1)
Ni |
vector with number of females of each adult age class in the population prior to breeding in the first year. The length of this vector determines the number of age classes. The first age class refers to the individuals born the previous year. |
phi |
survival probabilities for new-borns and each age class for each interval between surveys: a (age classes + 1) x (years - 1) matrix. Input can be abbreviated. |
f |
fecundity rates, the number of offspring (male + female) per female in the population, for each adult age class and each year: an age classes x years matrix. Input can be abbreviated. |
nYears |
number of years the population is simulated. |
pBreed |
the probability that a female will attempt to breed for each adult age class and each year: an age classes x years matrix. Input can be abbreviated. |
sex.ratio |
sex ratio (probability that a new-born is a female) in each year: either scalar or a vector of length |
Im |
number of female immigrants in each year: either scalar or a vector of length |
ageOfIm |
the age class of immigrants in each year: either scalar or a vector of length |
A list with the simulation settings and the following components:
state |
an individuals x years matrix, with the state of each individual in each year. States are coded: -1 = died, 0 = newborn, 1,2,... = 1-Year, 2-Year,... |
imYear |
a vector with the year of immigration for each individual, or NA if not an immigrant. |
reprod |
an individuals x years x 3 array with the number of female and male offspring and the age of the mother for each individual; NAs indicate individuals not alive or alive but not attempting to breeding. |
N |
a matrix with a column for each year and rows for numbers surviving in each age class, total adults, number of females born and total births, number of immigrants. (Immigrants are included in the age classes at the top of the table.) |
breeders |
a matrix with a column for each year and rows for numbers breeding in each age class and total breeders. Note that all animals attempting to breed are classified as breeders, even though no offspring may be produced. |
totAdults |
a vector with total adults in each year. |
totBreeders |
a vector with total breeders in each year. |
The last two are the same as the relevant rows in N
and breeders
, repeated for ease of extraction with $
Michael Schaub
Schaub, M., Kéry, M. (2022) Integrated Population Models, Academic Press, section 5.5.1.
# Simulate a population with the default arguments: str(pop <- simPop()) pop$N # Try View, but not available on all platforms # View(pop$state) pop$phi pop$f pop$reprod[1:5,,] # Just one (adult) age group: str(pop <- simPop(Ni=20)) pop$N pop$phi pop$f # Using matrices for time-dependent survival, fecundity phi <- matrix(c( 0.3, 0.5, 0.5, 0.2, 0.2, # newborns 0.5, 0.7, 0.7, 0.4, 0.4), # adults nrow=2, byrow=TRUE) f <- matrix(c(3, 4, 5, 2, 2, 3), nrow=1) str(pop <- simPop(phi=phi, f=f)) pop$phi pop$f # Matrices expanded to all adult age classes pop$N # With immigration str(pop <- simPop(Im=5)) pop$N # with ageOfIm = 1 (default) immigrants are included in 1-Year figures. # Not all 1-Years attempt to breed, and fecundity is lower str(pop <- simPop(f = c(2, 3.2), pBreed = c(0.7, 1))) pop$f pop$pBreed # Note the difference between numbers of breeders and adults among 1-Years pop$breeders pop$N # Extinction set.seed(1) str(pop <- simPop(f = 0.1, phi = c(0.1, 0.2))) pop$N # Sink population, rescued by immigration set.seed(1) str(pop <- simPop(f = 0.1, phi = c(0.1, 0.2), Im=5)) pop$N
# Simulate a population with the default arguments: str(pop <- simPop()) pop$N # Try View, but not available on all platforms # View(pop$state) pop$phi pop$f pop$reprod[1:5,,] # Just one (adult) age group: str(pop <- simPop(Ni=20)) pop$N pop$phi pop$f # Using matrices for time-dependent survival, fecundity phi <- matrix(c( 0.3, 0.5, 0.5, 0.2, 0.2, # newborns 0.5, 0.7, 0.7, 0.4, 0.4), # adults nrow=2, byrow=TRUE) f <- matrix(c(3, 4, 5, 2, 2, 3), nrow=1) str(pop <- simPop(phi=phi, f=f)) pop$phi pop$f # Matrices expanded to all adult age classes pop$N # With immigration str(pop <- simPop(Im=5)) pop$N # with ageOfIm = 1 (default) immigrants are included in 1-Year figures. # Not all 1-Years attempt to breed, and fecundity is lower str(pop <- simPop(f = c(2, 3.2), pBreed = c(0.7, 1))) pop$f pop$pBreed # Note the difference between numbers of breeders and adults among 1-Years pop$breeders pop$N # Extinction set.seed(1) str(pop <- simPop(f = 0.1, phi = c(0.1, 0.2))) pop$N # Sink population, rescued by immigration set.seed(1) str(pop <- simPop(f = 0.1, phi = c(0.1, 0.2), Im=5)) pop$N
Simulates a survey of breeding females, where a proportion of the females are included each year and the number of their offspring (male and female) recorded.
simProd(reprod, pInclude = 0.3, females.only = FALSE, verbose = TRUE)
simProd(reprod, pInclude = 0.3, females.only = FALSE, verbose = TRUE)
reprod |
array with the reproductive performance of the population, usually the output from |
pInclude |
vector with the annual detection probabilities of broods; it can be scalar, used for all years. |
females.only |
if TRUE only the number of females that are produced is recorded. Default: total reproduction is recorded. |
verbose |
if TRUE, information is displayed in the console. |
A list with the following 2 components:
prod.ind |
matrix with the individual reproductive output. The three columns give the output, the year of the brood and the actual age of the mother. |
prod.agg |
matrix with the same data, but aggregated. The two columns give the year-specific total number of newborn and the year-specific number of surveyed broods. |
Michael Schaub
Schaub, M., Kéry, M. (2022) Integrated Population Models, Academic Press, section 5.5.1.
# Generate a population pop <- simPop() # Simulate productivity data prod <- simProd(pop$reprod) str(prod)
# Generate a population pop <- simPop() # Simulate productivity data prod <- simProd(pop$reprod) str(prod)
Data for white stork (Ciconia ciconia) during 16 years (1986-2001) in eastern Germany. Chicks were ringed and adults resighted when they raised a brood in the study area. Nineteen ringed storks were recovered dead. The data set only includes birds resighted at least once as > 2 year olds.
is a matrix with rows for 691 marked birds and columns for the years 1986 to 2001. 1 indicates ringing or resighting, 2 a dead recovery, otherwise 0.
Vogelwarte Hiddensee, Germany
Schaub, M., Kania, W., Köppen, U. (2005) Variation of primary production during winter induces synchrony in survival rates in migratory white storks Ciconia ciconia. Journal of Animal Ecology 74, 656-666.
Schaub, M., Kéry, M. (2022) Integrated Population Models, Academic Press, section 4.5.4.
data(stork) str(stork)
data(stork) str(stork)
Calculates summary statistics from a subset of a population; used if a count survey is to be simulated with a subset of the complete population.
summaryPop(state, subset)
summaryPop(state, subset)
state |
individuals x years matrix for the population with ages of adult individuals plus newborns (coded 0) and died (-1), usually the output from |
subset |
vector with the indices of the individuals that are to be included for the summary statistics; if missing, all individuals are included. |
A matrix with the numbers in each adult age class for each year, total adults, and number of female juveniles.
Michael Schaub
pop <- simPop() summaryPop(pop$state) # default is to include all, compare with pop$N # define a subset of 80 drawn at random sset <- sample(nrow(pop$state), 80) summaryPop(pop$state, subset=sset)
pop <- simPop() summaryPop(pop$state) # default is to include all, compare with pop$N # define a subset of 80 drawn at random sset <- sample(nrow(pop$state), 80) summaryPop(pop$state, subset=sset)
Demographic data of barn swallows (Hirundo rustica) were collected from nine sites in Switzerland that were between 19 and 224 km apart from 1997 to 2003.
Each year the number of breeding pairs and detailed information about productivity from regular checks of the nests were recorded. Nestlings were ringed and adults captured, resulting in capture-recapture data. Not all sites were surveyed every year, resulting in NAs in the data.
is a list with 5 components:
an array with capture-recapture data for juvenile females in m-array format, sites x release year x recapture year.
an array with capture-recapture data for adult females in m-array format, sites x release year x recapture year.
a matrix with annual number of breeding pairs observed at each site, sites x years.
an array with productivity variables for monitored broods, brood type (first or second) x sites x years x variable; the variables are total number of eggs and fledglings in monitored broods and the number of broods monitored.
an array with the number of first broods and second broods observed, sites x years x brood type.
Swiss Ornithological Institute
Schaub, M., von Hirschheydt, J., Grüebler, M.U. (2015) Differential contribution of demographic rate synchrony to population synchrony in barn swallows. Journal of Animal Ecology 84, 1530-1541.
Schaub, M., Kéry, M. (2022) Integrated Population Models, Academic Press, chapter 16.
data(swallow) str(swallow)
data(swallow) str(swallow)
Demographic parameters based on the woodchat shrike are introduced in Schaub & Kéry (2021) section 3.2 and details of the simulation are given in section 5.5. This data set has simulated data for use in chapter 10.
is a list with 4 components:
capture histories for females marked as adults in m-array format.
capture histories for females marked as fledglings in m-array format.
number of broods monitored each year.
number of fledglings produced by the monitored broods.
number of breeding pairs recorded in each year.
Simulated data
Schaub, M., Kéry, M. (2022) Integrated Population Models, Academic Press, section 10.5.1.
data(woodchat10) str(woodchat10)
data(woodchat10) str(woodchat10)
Real data for the woodchat shrike (Lanius senator) were collected from 1964 to 1992 from a study area in southern Germany.
They comprise the annual number of breeding pairs, information about productivity from regular checks of nests, and capture, ringing and resighting of juvenile and adult shrikes. In some years, no resighting data were collected.
is a list with 6 components:
capture histories for 1079 individuals (males and females) x 29 years.
the age of each individual at first capture, 1 = nestling (juvenile), 2 = at least 1 year old (adult).
the annual number of breeding pairs found in the study area.
the number fledglings (male or female) produced by 365 broods monitored.
d = 0 if f
is an accurate count, d = 1 if it is a lower bound.
the year the brood was monitored.
Bruno Ullrich
Ullrich, B. (2017) Entdeckung und Aussterben einer Population des Rotkopfwürgers Lanius senator in den Streuobstwiesen des Mittleren Albvorlandes, Landkreise Göppingen und Esslingen am Neckar. Ökologie der Vögel 35, 273-335.
Schaub, M., Kéry, M. (2022) Integrated Population Models, Academic Press, section 11.4.
Schaub, M., B. Ullrich (2021) A drop in immigration results in the extinction of a local woodchat shrike population. Animal Conservation 24, accepted <https://doi.org/10.1111/acv.12639>
data(woodchat11) str(woodchat11)
data(woodchat11) str(woodchat11)
Demographic parameters based on the woodchat shrike are introduced in Schaub & Kéry (2021) section 3.2 and details of the simulation are given in section 5.5. This data set has simulated data for use in chapter 5.
is a list with 4 components:
capture histories for 1902 females x 20 years.
the age of each individual at first capture: 1 = juvenile, 2 = at least 1 year old (adult).
reproduction information for 929 monitored nests: Reproduction = total number of fledglings (male + female), Year = year monitored, Age of mother = 1 = 1 year old, 2 = at least 2 years old.
total number of breeding pairs observed in each year.
Simulated data
Schaub, M., Kéry, M. (2022) Integrated Population Models, Academic Press, chapter 5.
data(woodchat5) str(woodchat5)
data(woodchat5) str(woodchat5)
Demographic parameters based on the woodchat shrike are introduced in Schaub & Kéry (2021) section 3.2 and details of the simulation are given in section 5.5. This data set has simulated data for use in section 6.3.
is a list with 6 components:
capture histories for 947 females x 10 years.
the age of each individual at first capture: 1 = juvenile, 2 = at least 1 year old (adult).
number of breeding pairs recorded in each year.
annual number of juveniles (fledglings) per year.
annual number of broods surveyed from which the fledglings counts are obtained.
number of fledglings per monitored nest.
Simulated data
Schaub, M., Kéry, M. (2022) Integrated Population Models, Academic Press, section 6.3.
data(woodchat6) str(woodchat6)
data(woodchat6) str(woodchat6)
Demographic parameters based on the woodchat shrike are introduced in Schaub & Kéry (2021) section 3.2 and details of the simulation are given in section 5.5. This data set has simulated data for use in section 6.4.
is a list with 6 components:
capture histories for 947 females x 10 years.
the age of each individual at first capture: 1 = juvenile, 2 = at least 1 year old (adult).
number of breeding pairs recorded in each year.
annual number of juveniles (fledglings) per year.
annual number of broods surveyed from which the fledglings counts are obtained.
true number of breeding pairs (known because it is a simulated data set).
Simulated data
Schaub, M., Kéry, M. (2022) Integrated Population Models, Academic Press, section 6.4.
data(woodchat64) str(woodchat64)
data(woodchat64) str(woodchat64)
Demographic parameters based on the woodchat shrike are introduced in Schaub & Kéry (2021) section 3.2 and details of the simulation are given in section 5.5. This data set has simulated data for use in section 6.6.
is a list with 5 components:
capture histories for 947 females x 10 years.
the age of each individual at first capture: 1 = juvenile, 2 = at least 1 year old (adult).
number of breeding pairs recorded in each year.
annual number of juveniles (fledglings) per year.
annual number of broods surveyed from which the fledglings counts are obtained.
Simulated data
Schaub, M., Kéry, M. (2022) Integrated Population Models, Academic Press, section 6.6.2.
data(woodchat66) str(woodchat66)
data(woodchat66) str(woodchat66)
Simulation of data with demographic parameters based on the woodchat shrike are introduced in section 3.2. This data set has additional simulated data for use in chapter 7. It is the same as woodchat5
but with approximately 5 times the number of observations.
is a list with 4 components:
capture histories for 9438 females x 20 years.
the age of each individual at first capture: 1 = juvenile, 2 = at least 1 year old (adult).
reproduction information for 6207 monitored nests: Reproduction = total number of fledglings (male + female), Year = year monitored, Age of mother: 1 = 1 year old, 2 = at least 2 years old.
total number of breeding pairs observed in each year.
Simulated data
Schaub, M., Kéry, M. (2022) Integrated Population Models, Academic Press, section 7.2.1.
data(woodchat7) str(woodchat7)
data(woodchat7) str(woodchat7)
The data contain information about the survival of 181 broods of wrynecks (Jynx torquilla) collected in the Valais (Swiss Alps) from 2002-2006 in nestboxes. Dates are recorded such that day 1 is May 16.
is a data frame with 5 columns:
day of first detection of nestlings.
day of the latest check when nestlings were present.
day of the last check; this is the same as 'j' if nestlings fledged successfully, or the day when the nest was found to have failed.
1 if nestlings fledged successfully, otherwise 0.
the age of the nestlings on first detection in number of days.
Swiss Ornithological Institute
Geiser, S., R. Arlettaz, M. Schaub (2008) Impact of weather variation on feeding behaviour, nestling growth and brood survival in Wrynecks Jynx torquilla. Journal of Ornithology 149, 597-606.
Schaub, M., Kéry, M. (2022) Integrated Population Models, Academic Press, section 4.4.6.
data(wryneck) str(wryneck)
data(wryneck) str(wryneck)